County Convention

The executive committee acknowledges that since inauguration it has been a very chaotic and frustrating time for many of us as we have seen the destruction from the current administration of so many principles and policies that we hold dear. It has been difficult. We have also been inspired by the grassroots activation we have seen with citizens engaged in town halls, peaceful protests, and calling and writing our elected officials. Our executive leadership supports these endeavors. The fight is just beginning. We welcome increased engagement and would love to grow our local Democratic community. We have seen increased interest since the election and we are hoping to have a great turnout at our county convention this year!
We are asking all of you to save the date and be aware of our Cache County Organizing Convention that will take place on Saturday, March 22nd at 10AM at USU Eccles Conference Center Room 216. Registration will be from 9:30-10:00 AM. This meeting which occurs in odd numbered years is to organize our local party leadership. You will hear from those running for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The county delegates put in place last year serve a two year term and will vote for the local party leadership.
Any resident of Cache County who is eligible to vote and is not registered as a Republican with the county clerk's office may file for one of the four county party offices by submitting a written declaration of intent with the party no later than one week before the election. Those written declarations can be submitted to the party's email by March 15th. All of the positions are two year terms.
If you are unsure you want a leadership position, but would like to be involved, we invite you to visit our website and sign up to be a volunteer
At our county convention, you will also have the opportunity to hear from those running for state leadership positions as well. Those leadership positions will be voted on at the State Convention held on May 31st at Ogden High School. State leadership candidates can be viewed here
We are excited to gather with you and hope to have a great turnout! As always if you have questions, feel free to reach out to us via our email