Christmas Service Project and Open Seats for 2024

We hope that everyone who attended our fundraiser last month had a great time and that you are enjoying your holiday season. We are reaching out to tell you about a great opportunity to provide some service during this time of year. We have collaborated with the Smithfield Chamber of Commerce and their annual Christmas project to do a Sub for Santa. We have a family of four kids that we get to shop for Christmas. We are looking for volunteers to help shop for the kids as well as volunteers who might be interested in wrapping and delivering the gifts. We are hoping for about four individuals/families to shop and about five to wrap gifts, and then a few to deliver. Please reach out to us at our email to let us know if you would be interested. We are hoping that projects like this will be more frequent as we would love to collaborate more with so many of the great service organizations we have in our community. So, if you can't volunteer this time around just know there will be other opportunities.
We also want to invite our fellow Democrats to think about and consider running for office. The Declaration of Candidacy filing period for candidates begins on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, at 8 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m., Monday, January 8, 2024. This is much sooner than in previous years! We have 1 State Senate seat, 3 House District seats, 4 county council seats, County Assessor, Recorder, and Treasurer all coming up in 2024. Also, we all are aware schools have begun to be under attack in the last few years, books are being banned, school boards and legislatures are trying to tell teachers what they can and can't teach students. It is now more important than ever to have active school boards and one important way you can get involved is to run to be on your local school board. Cache school district has 4 seats up and Logan school district has 3 seats up for election. Please reach out to us at if you want more information on running for any seat near you. Our goal is to contest every race and give Cache Democrats options in 2024. Every time there are options on the ballot it engages more people and can move the needle towards making people actually think about who they are voting for. Running for office is hard. I have done it twice, and it was a great experience and I met so many great people. I never regretted it. Please consider if it's right for you and let us know.
Lastly I just want to share a very heartfelt Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of our Cache County Democrats and we look forward to some exciting things happening in 2024!